R Exercises
To download *.zip files associated with R exercises, right-click on the exercise link below to save the file on your computer. Each exercise contains an R Notebook (*.Rmd). In addition, exercises may contain data sets (*.csv), phylogenetic tree files (*.nwk and *.tre), and auxiliary images (*.jpg or *.png). For weekly assignments, download the necessary files from here, complete your R Notebook, export it as *.HTML, and submit it through the proper channel on Canvas.
Exercise (Chapter) | File List |
Exercise 1 (Chapter 2) |
Exercise 2 (Chapter 3) |
Exercise 3 (Chapter 4) |
Exercise 4 (Chapter 5) |
Exercise 5 (Chapter 6) |
Exercise 6 (Chapter 7) |
Exercise 7 (Chapter 8) |
Exercise 8 (Chapter 9) |
Exercise 9 (Chapter 10) |
Exercise 10 (Chapter 11) |
Exercise 11 (Chapter 12) |
Exercise 12 (Chapter 13) |
Exercise 13 (Chapter 14) |