Front Matters


I alternate teaching K-State’s Evolution course (BIOL 520) with Tom Platt, and over the years, John Coffin, Ryan Greenway, Madison Nobrega, and Libby Wilson have served as graduate teaching assistants. They have all made immeasurable contributions to the development of the learning materials included here. I especially thank Madison Nobrega for her relentless editing; her input has greatly improved this text. Emily G. Finch from the Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship at the Kansas State University Libraries and Greg Dressman, Director of Enterprise Server Technologies at Kansas State University, provided critical logistical support.

This Open Educational Resource (OER) was made possible with the support of a grant from the The Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative at Kansas State University.

Last but not least, many thanks to the past students in BIOL 520 at K-State. It was your input that lead to this resource and that helps me to continuously improve it. Especially, the following people have graciously provided feedback on writing and content: Shaun Baughman, Caroline Gatschet, Aaron George, Karisa Leonard, Kate Odgers, and Andy Su.

About the Author

Michi Tobler is a Professor in the Division of Biology at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. His research focuses on mechanisms of adaptation and speciation, primarily using extremophile fishes as study systems. You can learn more about our research on his lab website: